ASBSU Grant Requests
Use this page to learn how to navigate the ASBSU Funding Board’s grant request process and how to fill out your grant request. Please read through the information on this page before completing your application. Here is a short video tutorial with an overview on how to submit your grant requests:
Direct and Joint Grants
Student organizations may apply for direct and joint grants through their CampusGroups student organization portal in the “Money” tab under “Budgeting”. Please be sure to abide by the Event Planning Timeline for student organizations and plan ahead. Student organizations must complete re-registration and officer training prior to submitting a grant request. Contact with questions or concerns.
Registered student organizations are eligible to opt into a $400 simple direct grant by completing the re-registration process by the September 18th deadline. This $400 counts towards your eligible limit of $4,000 for the year.
Individual Grants
Complete your grant request now
Grant Addendums
The Addendum Form allows you to reallocate funds that were already granted to you by the ASBSU Student Funding Board. An addendum form is used to change activities and use of funds, but may NOT be used to request more funding than what was previously awarded.
Contact for general questions about the funding process.
Types of Grants
A grant up to $4,000 that can be used by a single Student Organization to fund an event or activity that benefits the University community or travel for a group of students attending a recognized and appropriate academic forum or appropriate recreational/ professional activity that is designated appropriate by the SFB.
Two (2) or more Student Organizations that want to co-sponsor an event or activity benefiting the University community are eligible for up to $6,000. The sponsored event or activity must be either on-campus or readily accessible from the Boise campus, and it must be free and open to all students, even if they are not members of any of the sponsoring Student Organizations.
This grant is designed to help individual students enrich their educational experience and credentials while simultaneously building the prestige of the University and supporting its research mission. Total funding eligibility from this source is capped at $800 per student per academic year.
Describing Your Application
- Be short and direct.
- When and where is the event?
- What is your goal for the event?
- What are you specifically asking ASBSU to sponsor?
- How many people are attending/participating
Application Timeline
For all grants, there is a minimum amount of time after approval which is needed in order to process your funds. Some grants require more time to process than others, so it is important that you are aware of the important deadlines related to your application. Grant requests are heard on a first come first serve basis, so plan ahead in order to meet the required timeline with the Student Involvement and Leadership Center. **Note that it takes about a week to schedule your grant hearing after your request is submitted.
Here are our most common deadlines for grant applications:
- Supplies – General supplies require a grant request hearing at least 4 weeks prior to your first purchases.
- Events – Simple events require a grant request hearing at least 6 weeks prior to your first purchases. Larger scale, more complicated events may require a grant request hearing at least 8 weeks notice of first purchases needed.
- Contracts/Honorariums – If a contract is required for your event, such as those made for paid guest speakers, a grant hearing is required a minimum of 8 weeks prior in order to process.
- Domestic Travel – If you are applying for funds for travel within the United States, your deadline will depend on the type of grant you are seeking.
- Individual Grants – A grant hearing must be completed at least 8 weeks prior to travel.
- Direct Grants/Joint Grants – A grant hearing must be completed at least 9 weeks prior to when first purchases are needed.
- International Travel – If you are applying for funds to travel beyond the United States, a grant hearing must be completed 12 weeks prior to when first purchases are needed in order to process an approved application.
Writing Your Budget
- Prepare a budget using the template provided.
- Be as specific as possible.
- List where you will be making purchases from and include pricing.
- You may review the ASBSU Financial Code to understand what can and cannot be funded.
- If you have questions, contact the Funding Board with questions before submitting at
Application Process
1. Prepare Your Budget(s)
Get quotes for any services and/or travel you are planning.
2. Submit Your Request
Submit your ASBSU Grant Request Form through CampusGroups. A Funding Board officer will reach out to you with any follow-up questions and preliminary meetings that are necessary prior to your grant hearing. Once your grant is ready to be heard, a final hearing with the Funding Board will be scheduled with you.
3. Attend Your Hearing
Attend your scheduled hearing with the Student Funding Board to describe the event, project, or trip. Grant hearings will begin in late July or early August once the incoming Student Funding Board is trained.
4. Using ASBSU Grant Funds
Awarded funds have been earmarked for your designated purposes but are not automatically transferred or available for use. To utilize awarded grant funds please follow the steps outlined in your post-grant checklist and communication from the Student Involvement and Leadership Center and Shared Business Services staff. These steps may include but are not limited to:
- Submitting a Payment Request (Required for all Direct, Joint, and some Individual Grants)
- Submitting a Travel Request (Required for Individual Travel Grants)
- Submitting an Event Registration for any events or travel for student organizations (Required for all Direct and Joint Grants)
If you have any questions or need help applying, please email us at