Grant Recipients
Feed the Funnel – Beta Alpha Psi
Brief Description of Organization
“The mission of Beta Alpha Psi, the premier international honor and service organization for financial and business information students and professionals, is to inspire and support excellence by:
-encouraging the study and practice of accountancy, finance, business analytics or digital technology;
-providing opportunities for service, professional development, and interaction among members and financial professionals; and
-fostering lifelong ethical, social, and public responsibilities.”
Organization’s Community Impact
Beta Alpha Psi’s largest and most impactful event of the year is our Feed The Funnel event. Last year, we fundraised more than $40,000 and packed over 100,000 meals (donated to the Boise State Food Pantry and other local food banks) with 300 volunteers. We have found fundraising for the direct meals to be simple (donated by industry professional organizations, businesses, and individuals), but have found fundraising for advertising the volunteer opportunity itself to students very difficult. $2,000 of our requested amount will go to our Feed The Funnel advertising to help more students get involved. The remaining $8,000 will be used to support flights, lodging, and per diem for our members to travel to the Beta Alpha Psi mid-year meeting in San Diego, CA where they will advertise Feed The Funnel to professionals. The larger attendance we have at the mid year meeting, the more fundraising from professionals possible and the larger impact we’ll have on the Boise State community.
Taylor Reid and Veteran Services Center
Brief Description of Organization
The Boise State Veteran Services Center helps students make the transition from the military to university life. They offer support in using GI Bill benefits, and assist students in navigating the process.
Mission Statement
“Empowering Veterans, Fostering Community: Celebrating Success, One Student at a Time.”
Organization’s Community Impact
The continued work of the committed staff members at the Veterans Service Center and Veteran Student Support Services has inspired the primary goal of this project: to build community through outreach and educational events with partners from on- and off- campus. These are events that are happening now on-campus, and are also how the success of this project will be measured. The VSC/VSSS measures its outreach efforts by the number of event participants and the number of students receiving important information. By having the ability to produce high-quality media, the Veteran Service Center will be empowered to reach more veteran students with more success and efficiency.
Campus Clothing Closet
Brief Description of Organization
The Campus Clothing Closet provides Boise State University students with access to good quality, sustainable and affirming clothing at no cost.
Mission Statement
Finding clothing to fit body sizes, personal style and expression, varying weather conditions and more can be arduous and cost-prohibitive. The Campus Clothing Closet seeks to bridge that gap while also keeping gently used clothing out of the landfill.
Organization’s Community Impact
The Campus Clothing Closet has seen 103 uses since opening on August 23, 2023 and has already distributed over 300 items to students. We anticipate these numbers to continue to grow as word of this resource spreads and seasonal clothing is needed. The Campus Clothing Closet seeks to be a resource for all students, however, we do not have the space or funding to make the Campus Clothing Closet fitting room ADA-compliant, meaning that some students are unable to effectively and comfortably utilize this resource. Additionally, the lack of adequate storage space reduces the usable square footage that would otherwise allow us to expand our clothing offerings.
Project/Program Awarded
By awarding this grant, the Campus Clothing Closet can obtain the essential supplies needed to create an ADA-compliant dressing room, ensuring access for a wider range of students. The funding will also enable the purchase of additional storage cabinets, optimizing space utilization within the Gender Equity Center.

Boise State Food Pantry
Brief Description of Organization
The Campus Food Pantry was established in February 2018 in response to growing rates of food insecurity across college campuses. The Pantry is choice-style, which is very uncommon for all local pantries. There is no limit on the number of items students can take nor the number of visits, helping eliminate the stigma surrounding accessing food assistance resources. The Campus Food Pantry provides a variety of items, such as: dairy products, prepared foods, frozen foods, fresh produce, fresh bakery items, canned goods, shelf-stable items, and hygiene products.
Mission Statment
Every Student. Every Bronco. A Full Plate.
Organization’s Community Impact
Food insecurity impacts about 30% of our students on campus, leaving hungry bellies and creating worries for students about where their next meal will come from. Providing access to a healthy variety of foods for students in need ensures they will be able to focus on their classes and academics, helping them to be successful during their time at Boise State. The Pantry serves students from diverse backgrounds, impacting under-resourced and underserved communities, specifically low income, first generation, and international students. Over the last four years, the Pantry has grown in size and service to students. In October 2022, the Pantry had over 4,200 student visits. That’s 1⁄3 of our total visits for the previous academic year, we saw in one month! We anticipate continued growth as more students return to campus and awareness of the Pantry spreads.
Project/Program Awarded
This project is continuous. By awarding this grant, the Boise State Food Pantry is able to purchase necessary infrastructure equipment that promotes food sourcing, growth, and allows us to transport and process donated items in a safe manner. The chosen products are durable and will last for many years to come.
Student Outdoor Society
Brief Description of Organization
The proposed Student Outdoor Society at Boise State University seeks to establish a student organization committed to fostering wellness and community among the student body. Our mission is to enhance the educational, community, and health and wellness experiences of Boise State students by offering diverse opportunities and resources to engage in activities that promote both physical and mental health. Through our organization, students will have access to a supportive community and a range of outdoor activities that encourage healthy habits and positive relationships.
Mission Statment
Student Outdoor Society and Scholarship provides resources and promotes wellness, community, and inclusivity through outdoor recreational opportunities for all Boise State students.
Organization’s Community Impact
The objective of our proposed grant project is to enhance the sense of community and promote overall wellness among Boise State students, with the ultimate aim of fostering academic success, elevating retention rates, and enhancing the overall university experience. Our program prioritizes the needs of students who face additional challenges in accessing wellness-related activities in the outdoors, including low-income students, first-generation students, college assistance migrant programs, and those with documented disabilities. By catering to these groups, our initiative will create a more inclusive and positive environment that benefits the entire student body. This program will include resources for the entire student body of Boise State University.
Project/Program Awarded
The program’s expected outcomes are focused on promoting mental wellness, community building, personal development, and engagement in outdoor activities. This grant will offer scholarships to low-income, first-generation, documented disabled, and individuals impacted by mental wellness concerns. The program aims to reduce barriers to access for students who might not have the means to engage in outdoor activities.
Forum Beautification Project
Brief Description of Organization
The main goal of the Forum Beautification Project is to create a more welcoming environment for Boise State’s prospective students. Right now, the forum is the first impression for those who visit campus as it holds the information session that starts before the campus tour. But with that being said, it does not go along with branding standards such as color, quality, and overall creativity that Boise State reflects. In conjunction with the communication and the marketing office, the admissions office often talks about how we are looking for “blue turf thinkers” because we are one of the top 50 schools for innovation. Right now the Bronco Welcome that prospective students are currently receiving does not go along with that expectation. However, with the help of the Student Philanthropy Board, we plan to create an environment that welcomes, excites, and makes students feel like they are home.
Mission Statment
The mission of forum beautification is to create a better first impression for Boise State prospective students in order to create a more satisfying campus visit and increase the amount of students who are more likely to attend after Boise State. This will engage the local community by showcasing why resident students should be more impressed with Boise State’s campus compared to our competitors and create a sense of excitement for non-residents. Simple renovations that we currently do not have the funds to complete, such as paint, lighting updates, and new photos will be instrumental to the campus visit and Student Union Building experience.
Organization’s Community Impact
The Forum on campus (located right in the middle of the admissions office) is a welcome center for any visitors including prospective students and families. Hundreds of visitors come weekly to understand what it means to be a Bronco and to attend school in Boise. We aim to make it easier for students to learn about and connect to the University all while creating an impactful and positive experience that welcomes new Broncos. It is also a space that current students are allowed to rent at no cost for meetings, presentations, and more as it is funded with student fees.
The admissions office offers daily campus tours, support from Admissions Counselors, and an excellent customer service team. There are staff as well as a team of 15 Student Recruitment Specialists that administer tours and support for visitors. This team of over 25+ staff members uses this space daily. Our goal with this project is to not only provide visitors with a warm and welcoming visit, but one that impresses and exceeds expectations for new and current students.
Project/Program Awarded
This grant provides the funding to redo the forum. One of the main priorities is to repaint the room in Bronco Spirit Blue and Orange. Additionally, another objective of ours is to focus on highlighting Boise State Students in the design itself. This will be done by updating the photographs in the room to reflect more current students and activities, along with the goal of having a Boise State Fine Arts student or Graduate work on a mural wall on the outside wall. By working with students, we not only help others develop their professional skills/portfolios, but we also tell the story of the BSU community. This project will leave a lasting impact on thousands of students for years to come.
Dance Marathon at Boise State
Brief Description of Organization
Dance Marathon at Boise State is a year-round fundraising organization that donates 100% of the money raised to St. Luke’s Children’s in Boise, Idaho. Together with 400 other Children’s Miracle Network Dance Marathon Programs across the nation, we fight to change kids’ health and their future. At the end of each fundraising year, we come together as a community to celebrate the kids we fight for and the funds we’ve raised. This event brings Boise State students, families, and other community members willing to embark on a much-anticipated journey throughout the night that will be full of hope and miracles. Dance Marathon is a celebration for kids at St. Luke’s Children’s, the hard work and dedication of each participant, and all of the people who support our miracle kids! We welcome all students on campus to participate in games, food, fun, and, of course, dancing before the final fundraising total is revealed at the end of the night.
Mission Statment
Our mission is to inspire the students and community that surrounds Boise State University in impacting the lives of the next generation. Together, through our philanthropic efforts, we can raise money, find new leadership opportunities, and create long-lasting memories for the kids of St. Luke’s Children’s.
Organization’s Community Impact
Dance Marathon is in its 11th year here at Boise State. Over the past 11 years, we have had tremendous success and impact on our campus and community. We have raised over 1 million dollars, contributed to the purchase of the Maternal Child (MatCH) ambulance, and the construction of the Idaho Elks Children’s Pavilion. Every dollar raised has given our local and far families across rural Idaho the opportunity to help their children. St. Luke’s Children’s is Idaho’s only Children’s Hospital and provides care to over 100,000 babies, kids, and teens alike every year. Dance Marathon has provided funds to the families that need it most and impacts every single person involved.
Project/Program Awarded
This grant will support a fall kickoff event that will be held to inspire and remind the students of Boise State about the importance of Dance Marathon.